God of endings and new beginnings, of doorways, gates, thresholds and transitions.
Steven Dark and Dark Arts Horror Radio wishes everyone a happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful New Year and may it be filled with ‘Halloween Horror’ in the nicest possible way.
It is perhaps apposite to contemplate the ancient Roman god *Janus*, the double-headed deity who simultaneously looks both ways – back at the past and forwards to the future. He is the god of endings and new beginnings, of gates, doorways, thresholds and transitions. Now is the best time to set our minds resolutely to making the changes in our lives that we have hitherto only thought about or idly dreamed of. Use the hindsight and wisdom of what has gone before as we contemplate the threshold of the present and forge our own futures in the fiery flames of the fire of emotion, with the tempered iron of the will and by the limitless creative possibilities of our Mercurial imagination.
“Embrace the Darkness”
Steven Dark
Host of Dark Arts Horror Radio – Broadcasting 24/7/365 from Beyond the Grave.